2013. június 21., péntek

 Visszacsatolások - Feedbacks

Mik ezek? Ráutalások, igazolások, beigazolódások, látens bizonyítékok leképződései. A visszacsatolás természete váratlan, kiszámíthatatlan, megjósolhatatlan. Ha jön, kapod, megtalálod, megtalál azt jelzi, utal rá, igazolja hogy jót, jó helyen, jó időben, jó környezetben. Egy kicsit kristályrács.
"Amit Phaidrosz érzékelt, az a felcsapódó hullámok hirtelen kristályosodása volt. E kristályosodás nyomán követném most a Minőség keresésében megtett útjának második szakaszát." /Robert M. Pirsig: A zen meg a motorkerékpár ápolás művészete/

What are theese? Cross-references, verifications, certifications, pictures of latent evidences. The way of how its work... its unwanted, unexpected, unpredictable. If its come, if you get it, if you find it... it find you, it shows you are on a good way, on time, in a good envinronment. A bit crystal-frame.
"If anyone else had asked, What is Quality? it would have been just another question. But when he asked it, because of his past, it spread out for him like waves in all directions simultaneously, not in a hierarchic structure, but in a concentric one. At the
center, generating the waves, was Quality. As these waves of thought expanded for him I’m sure he fully expected each wave to reach some shore of existing patterns of thought so that he had a kind of unified relationship with these thought structures. But the shore was never reached until the end, if it appeared at all. For him there was nothing but ever expanding waves of crystallization. I’ll now try to follow these waves of crystallization, the second phase of his exploration into quality, as best I can."/Robert M. Pirsig: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance/

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